So I was in bed, reading my book...Nate was locking everything up and checking on the girls. He came in and said, "Get your camera you have to see this." I said, "What did she do?" He just laughed and said, "You have to get your camera." By this time she was right behind him and I couldn't tell what was so funny. All of a sudden Reagan says, "Mommy, I got lotion. I pretty." I still didn't know what they were talking about so she came over by the bed to show me...
This is what happens when she gets a nap and she's not tired when we put her in her room to go to! All I could do is laugh...I asked Nate if she had got it anywhere else and thank goodness she didn't. She thought she was the funniest thing ever. are such a little stinker.
Oh, was that hard to wash out? That is a lot of lotion!
Actually it wasn't too bad, but she hates to have her hair washed so it wasn't good for The Joys of Children :) I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
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