Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Matt's Valentine Project...

I was so proud of my Matty Mo! He wanted to get his dad and Jen something for Valentines and I told him lets make something. To me it's just so nice to get homemade gifts from my children! Anyway I made a few suggestions and he ran with them. We made my White Chocolate Popcorn, but he suggested we add some red food coloring to make it pink. I had some left over M&Ms from Christmas so he sorted them and we added some red M&Ms to the bag. He looked up some lyrics to a song that reminded him of them and we posted them on the front of the bag. Then he decided to make a CD with the song on it and nothing else. I helped him decorate the front of the CD case, but he really came up with all of the ideas himself. He was just as proud of himself as I was of him! I hope they liked it.

Valentines Day...

I decided this year I was going to surprise Nater with his favorite dinner and dessert, but Valentines Day fell on a Saturday and I new there was no way I could surprise him so I thought I would do it on Friday. Well, Wednesday I got a call from Matty Mo asking if he could come stay until Friday afternoon because his Dad and Jen were going up to the Brian Head cabin. They wanted me to meet them in Cedar on Friday afternoon to drop Matty off so he could go up and snowboard. So needless to say I started re-thinking my surprise. So I got it all rearranged and then Friday morning Jen called and said Matty could stay another night. I just figured I would do what I could and make Valentines somewhat special. So Saturday morning we got up and ready. I thought we would make it a family day, but Nater didn't really want to travel so my sister-in-law, myself and Regs all went. Lauren showed us this cute little store that I will probably visit all the time now when I go. Regs found this cute little "Wonder Pet- Ming Ming"...

and we got Kenners "Periwinkle" from Blue's Clues. When we got back into town I dropped Regs off so Lauren and I could go to a couple of the Parade of Homes. We decided to check out the one in my neighborhood. I am a sucker for twilight and I had herd that they had a twilight themed room. Sure enough, check this out...
When I got home I made Nate his favorite dinner "Beef Stroganoff" and his favorite dessert "Brownies" (I cut them into Hearts and sifted powdered sugar over them).
We ate a candle lit dinner with our girls and then we gave gifts...all in all I would say it turned out just great!

Look who I took a picture with on Valentines!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day 2008...

We just hung out at home and relaxed. I made Steak with Gorgonzola cheese, roasted potatoes and salad. It was nice and quiet. I am coming down with my girls cold so I thought I better take it easy. Besides to go anywhere in this town for dinner is crazy enough when it's not Valentines Day.

Reg's just got her new "cudder-me". We got her a new color wonder princess book. She was so jazzed. Daddy colored with her while I finished cleaning up our dinner dishes.

We got Kennedy a hippo ratte/teether. She was just ready for bed. She had enough today.

Grammy and Papa brought Reagan over a little "Areil" lego valentine. She loves it. It had to go in the bath with her and she had to have it right next to her to sleep.

Gram and Papa brought Kennedy some little people. She's not real sure about them yet. She just kept cheking them out. It was pretty cute.

Happy Valentines Day Matty Mo...

We just wanted to tell you Happy Valentines Day. I sure hope you had a fun day at school, with all your "Valentines" because I know you have plenty. The girls and I wanted to say thank you for our cards and Sorry yours is late....It's coming so keep an eye open for it. Reagan was so excited to get mail. We love you tons.