Tuesday, December 30, 2008

AArRrRRrrGGGggg Matey...

For those of you that haven't been to Pirate Island Pizza...you NEED to go. It was so much fun and the food was pretty good. We had the spicy chicken and blue cheese pizza. I really liked it and I think Nate did too. The Kiddos had a blast of course because there is an Arcade and a little play place. The atmosphere is amazing...when you walk in the door it reminded me of the Pirates of the Caribbean at Disney Land. Our server was very patient with us and very nice. We had a great night and look forward to going back.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just Havin Some Fun...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas...

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

What an Eventful Weekend...

Man...it has been CRAZY around here. I feel so bad for my Brother and Sister in Law. They had their home broken into and robbed on Friday. Thank our Sweet Lord...they caught the 2 boys that did it and my Brother and Sister in Law were able to get most of their stuff back, but what a horrible thing to have to go through...especially right before Christmas! On top of this...we all usually get together and go around to see each other's trees. Well, we had it planned for Sunday evening, but my Mother in Law had to work, the thing with Meg and Josh's house and a couple of other things so we all thought it was canceled. We ended up meeting at my Mother and Father in Laws place for dinner and decided we were going to go ahead with it even though we were missing a few of us...We ate dinner and the kids were in playing in Papa's office when my Nephew started crying. My Brother in Law went in to check on him and OMGosh...he had an allergic reaction to cashews. It was awful to see my Nephew like that. They ended up taking him to the ER. So...like I said...what an eventful weekend. I'm happy to report Ethan is fine...when he got home from the ER we were all at his house waiting for him and the first thing he asked for was a donut. He is too cute!

E E...we are so glad you are OK and we love ya dude!

I did managed to get a few pictures...This is my Brother and Sister in Law's (Shane and Carrie) tree...it is so pretty.

Here's a picture of our tree:

and I wish I would of thought to take a picture of Josh and Meg's tree because it was so cute!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Madagascar 2 was Crack-a-Lackin...

I took Reagan to see Madagascar 2. It was really cute and she loved it of course. I just love that she sits through the whole movie and I have a new movie partner...even if it is just animated movies. Anyone who knows me very well, knows I LOVE the movies!

Reagan thought it was so fun to wear our PJ's to the movies. It was snowy and all wet so I thought...what the heck, lets go in our PJ's. We had lots of fun!
Regs...Mommy loves hangin with ya!

Playin in the Snow...

Look at these cute girls...they woke up this morning to a whole lot of snow! Kenners wasn't to impressed with it, but Regs had a BLAST!!!

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Look at how pretty our little house looks...all decorated with snow...I love it!!!
"Big Red" is going to struggle when Nate goes to start him up today...lol!
I am absolutely LOVING this weather. I love the snow...it's beautiful!!! Check these pictures out...I couldn't believe how much stuck to the ground. Can you tell I'm from Vegas...and I've not seen much snow in my life...lol. We took these couple of pictures last night. The pictures at the top are from this morning.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dad (William N. Hilderscheid, Billy) Thinking about you at Christmas time...

Around the Christmas table
there's an empty chair this year...
The precious smile is missing
of someone we still hold dear.

And yet our hearts are hopeful,
though the season's bittersweet,
Because we know the one we love
has filled another seat.

For another banquet table
abounds with joy and love
For those who've made the journey
to be with our Lord above.
-Unknown Author
* These Pictures were taken on Christmas Eve 2005.

This season, may you celebrate the Faith that is the heart of Christmas, the Hope that lies ahead in Heaven, and the Love of those we hold in our arms and in our memories.

Much Love,
The Traveller Family
Nate, Alisha, Matt, Reagan and Kennedy

Reagan Sneakin' Snacks...

The other night Nate and got the kids in bed...he went to study and I was watching the TV. I heard Reagan come out on quietly open the pantry door and quietly grab something then quietly go running down the hall. I waited a few minutes...then I heard the crumble of a bag so I grabbed the camera and headed down the hall to find her eating chips in her bed. This is a BIG no no in our house and my kids know it. We don't leave the kitchen with food.

Look at her try to give me the look. She is such a little stinker sometimes. She told me, "Mommy...Reagan was hungry. Look mommy...I don't have crumbs in my bed." She knew what I was going to say. She was real quick to take the chips out to the counter of course. I just laughed and Nate just said, "How do you like dealing with yourself?" He swears she just like me, but I don't believe it for one minute...lol.

Reg's...Mommy loves you tons!

Kennedy's Love for Shoes...

Every time we turn around this girl has Mommy's or Reagan's shoes on. I don't know what it is with my girls, but so far both have them have just loved shoes. Reagan use to sleep with a pair of her shoes on and the rest of them in her crib with her. I wished I would of taken some pictures of it because there were nights when she had a pile in the corner of her crib. I thought it was the weirdest thing ever. Then Kennedy has started this shoe fetish. What can I say...Girl's after mine own heart...lol!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our Big Girl Moved to a Booster...

Where does the time go? I know I say this all the time, but I just don't know what is going on around me. I guess I better start enjoying every minute because it just keeps passin by. One minute Kennedy is in a highchair and the next she is in the booster wanting to sit next to all of us. My baby just isn't a baby anymore.

Kennedy...we love you "Big Girl"!!!

Kenner's First Sickness...

Kennedy has been coming down with something for 2 weeks now and it finally hit the hardest Monday night. This is the first time she has been sick so I can't complain to much, but the poor girl couldn't breath through her nose. Let me tell ya...when my girls can't breath through their noses, it's not a good night in the Traveller house because they both suck their fingers. Kennedy wouldn't sleep at all so Nate and I took shifts on Tuesday night. I think from no sleep for nearly 24 hours she finally crashed when it was my turn to sit with her and Nate took these pictures of us.
I tried to get up and do some dishes, but she would follow me and just ball...it was really sad. She just laid down on the floor behind me and fell asleep on the tile. We kept taking pictures of Kennedy so Reg's wanted her picture taken too.

I sure hope we are almost over this mess...Reg's is just starting to get the fever.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mom and Regger's Date...

I decided to take Reg's on a date today. We went to see the movie Bolt. I thought it was really good, but take it for what it's worth because I love all of the Disney movies! Reagan loved it...she keeps telling everyone, "I go to the show to see Bolk and Mitten's." She thought it was the coolest thing to be at the "Show" eating popcorn. She sat really good and watched the whole thing. When it was over and we were getting up to leave she started to cry...I asked her what was the matter and she said, "I want to watch it again. I no want to go home!" So I guess our date was a success and we'll have to do it again real soon! I'm so excited...I have a new movie partner ;) My husband won't go and I just love to go to the movies!!!

Reg's...Mommy had a fun time with you!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snack of Choice...

Kennedy LOVES Cheetos!!! I was cleaning up and came out to find her walking around the house with a bag of Cheetos. Mind you the bag was bigger than her. I wanted to kick Nathan's bum because he knows the rule...NO FOOD OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!! Why is it only Mom enforces the rule? It's no wonder why my kids like him better than me...lol.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa Baby...

I took the girls to see Santa at the Dickens Festival, but I didn't get their pictures taken because Kennedy wouldn't let me go. I knew we would be seeing him again at George Washington Academy so I thought I would get their pictures then...Well, Kennedy has been sick so I wasn't able to take her with us. Reg's and I headed of to see him and when we got there the line was out the door. We stood in line for 55 minutes and it was so worth it. Reg's was so excited to see him. She asked him for a BIG Tinkerbell dolly. I sure hope he can find her one ;)
I hope EVERYONE has a Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our Fun Filled Day...

We started the day off with a ward Christmas breakfast. It was tons of fun, but I'm bummed I didn't take my camera. I hope one of the sister's will email me some pictures. We met some more people in our ward...that's always nice. We just kind of hide out in the back, but we must not have been doing a very good job because I did get called to the Nursery...lol. Actually I look forward to a new calling. I have never served in the Nursery and I think it will help Kennedy anyway. She gets to go in with me as Reagan goes out to be a Sunbeam.
After our ward breakfast we headed over to Russel and Rae Ann's Wedding. It was really pretty. I am excited for the both of them and wish them nothing but great happiness.
Then off to Tayler's Baptism...what an exciting time in a little person's life. My sister in law had a dinner after his baptism where we got to mingle with family and friends...it was really nice to catch up and just see everyone. I sure wished I would of brought my camera for this fun filled day. I didn't take it to any of the events.
After the Baptism...I had the opportunity to see Alexis (my Niece) perform in her Christmas Show. I am impressed with the talent and the Dance Studio. She did an amazing job. I just wished we could convince Reagan to go poop in the potty so she could start dance.
What a busy day, but tons of fun.