Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mom's Day Out...

I decided I needed a day by it is nice to do this sometimes ;). Anyway...Nate kept the girls and I went over to Santa's Workshop and did a little Christmas shopping. When I got home Reg's came running to me tellling me all about "Kenneny go sleep on the floor by her bed!" I looked at Nate kind of puzzled so he told me to look at the camera. This is what I found...
Nate said he was watching football and realized he hadn't heard much of the baby so he'd better go check on her...(DUH!) He said he walked back to her room and she was asleep. She had been trying to get her "lanky" through the bars of the crib and couldn't get it so she just laid down as close as she could and went to sleep. Isn't she just sweet ;)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Gettin' Out of the House...

Well, it is Friday after Thanksgiving and Nate was a little stir crazy so we decided to venture out for a little while. As we were getting the car all packed up to leave the girls were playing in the garage. I forget Reagan knows how to open all of the car doors and she thinks this is so cool. When Nate and I came out Kennedy was in the car just hangin while Reagan was ridding her bike around and around the car.

We went over to Santa's Workshop (we walked in and right back out)...there was noway we were going to make it up and down the isles with the double stroller. It was packed...what were we thinking going out on Black Friday. We headed over to the mall and walked around for a minute...I have never seen our mall that packed in the 5 years I have lived here. We stayed out and about all day long and the kids were pretty good considering how crazy it was. Nate suggested we go see if Marv's was busy. When we got there we noticed this new pizza place (Pirate Island Pizza). Nate went to check it out and said I needed to come in and see it. I got the baby and we all went is soooo AWESOME!!!! The wait was 2 1/2 hours so we didn't stay, but the place is totally cool. Needless to say we ate at Marv's. After dinner the kids were beyond tired. Nate's ritual is to stop at Dairy Queen when the baby is crying because he knows he won't hear another peep out of her the rest of the way home. We had a great day as a family...we just needed our Matty Mo with us and it would of been complete.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner...

We alternate family's every year and this year was the year where all the kids go to the in-laws. My mom doesn't USUALLY do anything, but this year she called us the day before and told us she was making a big dinner. I was pretty bummed and really wanted to go, but we already had plans with Nate's family so we hung around here. Plus I didn't think Nate would want to go down...he's pretty burned out with school and work so we had dinner with Nate's Mom, Dad, his Great Aunt, Uncle, one of their son's and his kids. It was nice fast and quiet this year. Here are just a couple of pictures I took throughout the day...

I did have a minute to reflect on all of the things I am Thankful for and the list is long...

Nate and I have learned so much these last 3 years. I know we will continue to learn things throughout our lives, but it has been a HUGE eye opener in so many ways. From the economy to family and friends etc...

I am Thankful most of all for the Gospel in my life because without it...I don't know where I would be right now. I am so Thankful for my Husband and his patients. For his will to want better for his family. For never giving up and ALWAYS pushing forward. For his Great example in my family's lives. I am Thankful for my kids...they keep me grounded. I am Thankful for my mistakes...without them I would not grow. I am Thankful for TRUE friends and family. I am especially Thankful for Nate's family. They have been a GREAT example in mine and my children's lives. I am Thankful for my beautiful life...for all of it's trials and pleasures.

I hope all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Missing My Dad (William N. Hilderscheid, Billy) at Thanksgiving...

Just a Memory Away
I'm no longer by your side,
but there's no need to weep;
I've left sweet recollections
I'm hoping you will keep.
Eternal joy and memories
stay in our hearts forever,
Strengthening our special bond
that parting cannot sever.
Now it's time to journey on,
so let your faith be strong,
For I am in a better place...
I'm home where I belong.
And if times of loneliness
bring sorrow and dismay,
Don't despair, for I am there...
Just a Memory Away
- Unknown Author
This Thanksgiving was our first without my Dad calling and giving us an update on all of the places he had been working. Along with all the other things that he did to keep busy. I MISS him so very much!!! Just when I thought I was doing OK and I know he is in a better place...the Holidays came. For a while after he passed there were times when I would pick up the phone to call him and then I would remember...he won't be there to pick it up. I had finally stopped doing that until today. Several times today, I would think...I need to call him because he hasn't called us yet. I am Thankful for God's know that I will see him again.
Dad, I Love You...and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Rae Ann's Bridal Shower...

This is Rae Ann (Nate's Cousin). She is getting married December 6 and we are excited for her. My mother in law threw her a Bridal shower and I decided to take Reagan to the "Girl Party". She thought that was the coolest thing ever. Good Luck Rae Ann...We love you!

Daddy's Little Princesses...

I was putting laundry away when I hear clip clop down the hall Sure enough Nate was back in the girl's rooms helpin them get all dressed up as Cinderella and Belle. When they were done they came to show mommy. Too cute and tons of fun. Our daddy is a fun dude!

"Mom...We Playin Dress Up"...

Reg's just loves to play dress up. Kenner's just loves to see her sister all dressed up, but she wants in on the fun as well. The other day it was really quiet and then I could hear Kennedy getting upset and irratated. Of course I thought Reagan was buggin her, so I walk back and she was getting mad because she couldn't get the shoes on her little chubby

I keep sayin this, but Nate has no idea what he's in for...Heck I don't know what I'm in! Look as these two little Princesses.

"First to Bite"...12:01 am Baby!

OK I don't know if I'm the only one that feels this way, but could the movie have been any cheesier? I am a little more disappointed than I'd hoped to be! Of course this is only my opinion and it doesn't make me not like Twilight anymore...I'm just bummed it wasn't a little better than it was. Don't get me wrong there were a couple of parts that were good. I have yet to read a Harry Potter book, but I have seen all of the movies and to me they are awesome movies and I've heard that they are pretty comparable to the books. Twilight was unbelievably CHEAP! I don't know, but to me the movie just didn't all just happened so fast. There was no easing into it for me. One minute she knows nobody and the next she is proclaiming her love for Edward. I sure hope they put a little more effort into the next couple and spend a little more money, but enough totally rippin on the movie...I have the books and that to me is AWESOME!!!
Besides the movie bombing we had an AWESOME night, Kudos to Random. It was a lot of fun hangin with the Girls in the freezing Kaysha (sp?. My girlfriends daughter) and I hung out and walked through all of the booths before all of the other girls got there! Yes I was one of the freaks there at 4:00 pm, but at least I wasn't there at 9! We ate Marv's for dinner (that alone was worth standin in the I even made a scrapbook layout (Twilight theme of course).

They even had the scents of the Characters from the was pretty neat and the scents were amazing. All in all is was a fun night with just the Girls!Let me tell ya...I was so ready for! When I woke up this morning I felt so delirious. I haven't been to bed that late in a VERY long time.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Twilight" tonight...

Well, today is the big day...I'm goin to "Twilight" tonight! I am beyond excited and didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night because all I could think about was! Kind of sounds like a kid on Christmas Eve. I can already tell you I'm not expecting too much from the movie because I have seen so many trailers. I feel like I've seen half of the movie and to be honest with looks pretty corny, but I'm still excited. Random put together a bunch of vendors in the parking lot and they are doing will just be lots of fun to hang with the girlfriends! Tell ya all about it tomorrow!

Up and At'em...

We were actually Up and At'em early this morning. Usually we are rushing around here on the mornings of preschool. We didn't know what to do with all of our free time so we decided to play with the camera. I can blame the excitement for tonight on being up and at'em this These girls are just waaaayyyy to much fun. There is never a dull moment in the Traveller home because they keep us on our toes. Just look at their little faces...they say it!

Reagan says the funniest things and she does even crazier She is a pure joy to be around (most of the time I can't believe she is going to be 4 in March already. Where does the time go?! Her dad has lots to worry about with this girl, but for those of you that know Nate...he doesn't worry about ANYTHING. I guess that's how we make it through most of our's his calm demeanor. I love my husband and my awesome little family! I thank my Father in Heaven everyday for being so blessed!

Kennedy is the sweetest little thing. I know in this picture you can't tell, but I promise you she really is. She is growing up so fast. It makes me sad some days and wish I could freeze her in time, but I know this is all just part of being here. She is at the copy phase. I just love it when she tries to do what your doing or when she tries to repeat what you've is really funny. Just today she pointed at her cup and said, "Juice." I was so excited! I am one pf those people that can't wait until they can talk until they actually do. I will be wishing she wasn't talking before I know I am a talker and let me tell you 2 out of the 3 so far have picked up the!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Potty Training....HELP!!!

I don't know what to do anymore. We have tried everything. Reagan will be 4 in March and we have been potty trained a couple of different times so we thought. I don't know if she is just lazy or if it is something we are doing wrong. I'm to the point where I will pay someone to do this for me. I need some advice....GOOD advice. We've done the insentive thing. We have even tried cold showers and that is just child joke, it was awful. I really don't know what to do because nothing phases her. I've tried taking things or even making her clean herself up. She will just poop her panty's then dump the poop in the toilet and clean her panty's in the toilet like no big that is just to much for me. What do I do? HELP!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Daddy, I go work wif you?"...

Daddy came home for lunch and while he was getting his lunch ready Reagan decided to put all is "Garb" on. When she was all done she came to us and said, "Daddy, I go to work wif you...Please?!" These girls just love their Daddy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Time Voter...

I know this is sad, but today was my very first time voting. It was so much easier than I thought it would be. Can't wait for the outcome. I hope EVERYONE went out and Voted today. If you haven't go!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Daddy Rocks...

Nate was teachin' little miss Reg's how to petal her "Big Girl" bike, so of course little one wants to ride! I tell you Nate has the patients of a saint...they were out there for a good few hours ridding around the drive way. The girl's were in Heaven!
Daddy...We Love You!!!