Thursday, February 28, 2008

WoRDs tO LiVE bY...

LiFe iS tOo sHOrT,
GruDGes ArE a wAsTe oF pERfEcT HApPinESs
LaUGh wHEn yOu cAn
ApoLOgizE wHeN YoU shoULd
aNd LeT gO oF wHAt yOu cAN't CHanGe.
LOve dEEplY aNd fORgivE QUicklY
tAKe CHaNcEs...gIVe eVErYthINg
AnD hAVe NO regREtS!
LiFe iS tOo sHorT tO bE uNHapPy
yOu hAVe tO tAKe tHe goOD WiTH tHe BaD
sMILe WhEN yOu'RE sAd
lOVe WhaT yOU'vE gOt aND alwAYs RemEMbeR whAT yOu HaD
alWAYs fORGivE, BUt nEVeR fOrGET
LeARn frOM YoUr misTAKeS, bUT NeVER RegRET
pEOplE ChaNGe aNd thINGs gO WroNG,
BUt alWAyS RemeMBeR
LiFE goES oN!!!

Reg's trying to avoid bed...

I had put little "Miss Reagan" in her bed and thought she would go to sleep. I came down to clean the kitchen and coming down the stairs was little "Miss Cinderella"! I tell you it took everything I had to not laugh. She will do anything some nights to not have to go to bed. She said, "Mommy I Cinerella, I pitty. Mommy take piture!" Reg's you are my little "Princess"! I love you!!!

Reagan posing for "Pitures" as she says...

"Mommy, I take you piture ok!"

Reagan is a little mad at me in this picture because we were in a hurry to leave and she wanted her pictures taken. I have been taking so many pictures lately, I think she is just loving it a little to much (LOL)!

This is her after she stopped crying so I could take the picture and we could leave.
It is like pulling teeth to get out of our house and be somewhere on time ever since Kennedy was born! I hope I get a little better at balancing our situation around here (LOL)!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Reagan hangin from her Bed! (Naughty)...

Reagan is all wound up from our walk. She has no desire to go to bed. We thought by taking her on a long walk and she ran most of the way, she would get tired and want to go to bed. Boy were we wrong. What do you do to tire them out?

"Mommy look at me, I naughty!" This is what she said to me when I came up the first time and saw her. How do you not laugh at some of this stuff. It seriously takes everything I have not to. She's mommy's little monkey.

Our long walk...

We took the girls on a walk hoping to tire Reagan out. She has just been one big ball of energy lately and not wanting to go to bed this week. Kennedy was just hanging out. She just loves to be outside.

The walk worked on one of the girls. We barely got this girl fed, she was so tired. All she did was sit in the stroller. The other one ran the whole way and is Hanging from her bed. Whats a mom to do with all of her energy. You've got to love her because she keeps me young and on my toes 24/7!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Four things...

Four things about me that you may or may not know.
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Baby Sitting (it didn't last long)
2. Macy's
3. Costco
4. Just a "Mommy"
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Christmas Vacation
2. Note Book
3. No Reservations
4. Just about any animated good movie for the kids
Four Places that I have lived:
1. Reno, NV
2. Las Vegas, NV
3. St. George, UT
4. Washington, UT
Four TV shows that I watch: (only when I have DVR'd it)
1. E.R.
2. American Idol
3. Biggest Loser
4. The Office
Four places I have been/vacationed:
1. California
2. Salt Lake City
3. Mexico
4. Durango, Colorado
Four people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Diana T (My Mother-n-Law)
2. Lauren T (My Sister-n-Law)
3. Sherrie T
4. Grant M (My Son's Grandpa)
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Any kind of "Bread"
2. Any kind of "Italian"
3. "Fall of the Bone Ribs" from Texas Roadhouse
4. "Alice Springs Chicken" from Outback Steakhouse
Four of my favorite snack foods:
1. Cottage Cheese with Bananas and Syrup (don't knock it til you try it!!!)
2. Cottage Cheese with Peaches
3. Dry Roasted Peanuts
4. String Cheese with a V8
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. On a date with my hubby!!!
2. In Vegas shopping
3. On a Vacation with my family!
4. Getting a massage!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our Vegas Trip...

We took a little trip to Las Vegas on Saturday because Fred and Geneva came to Las Vegas to visit her Mom, Dad, and Brother. We picked up Matty Mo and we all met for lunch. After lunch we went back to Barb's house to meet Geneva's baby, Buster. He's a cutie. Billy (Geneva's Dad) was so awesome with the kids. Reagan usually takes a while to warm up to people, but she just thought he was great. She had her "Cinderella Doll", Billy was holding her and told Reg's that she bit him. Reagan said "No Cinderella no bite." She thought he was so funny.

This is aunty "Beneva" and Reagan. Reagan found a stuffed dog and wouldn't put it down.

This is Geneva's husband "Freddy"! He is such a nice guy. We approve Fred (LOL)!

Matt was asking Billy some questions about the dogs. I wish I would of taken a better picture. Billy is just so awesome with the kids. He will be an awesome grandfather someday. I look at Billy and Barb as adopted grandparents to my kids...I don't know if they would feel the same (LOL). I don't know if they are ready to be g-parents.

Barb, Luke, and Nate are chatting about Luke's plumbing job. Luke doesn't like Service calls (LOL). Reg's was sharing the dog toys with Kennedy. Kennedy was just ready to eat and go to sleep.

After our quick visit, we were on the freeway ready to go home and decided to take Reagan to Bass Pro Shop so she could walk around for a minute. She was tired of being in her carseat. I forgot to take my camera in the Shop, but she loved the BIG fish tanks. She wanted to go "wimmin" (swimming) with the fish. After Bass Pro Shop we decided to grab a Ben and Jerry's. On the way over Reagan fell asleep.

When we got to Ben and Jerry's she was ready for some "Ceeme" (cream). Daddy shared with Kenner's, boy did she love ice cream. I decided to share some ice cream with Reagan. She told me "Mommy no touch it!" Then she finally shared it with me.

Hey guys.....We wanted to say thanks for the quick visit. I wish we could get together more often because I sure miss you Geneva. Also thanks so much for lunch, it was great. Billy, Barbara, and Lukey we love you all tons. Take care and Keep in Touch!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mom's Sick...

Saturday I was pretty sick. I started not feeling so good on Thursday, but Saturday it hit me like a bomb. That left Daddy to do everything. He did an awesome job, but when he took the girls for a walk, he just let Reagan pick what she wanted to wear. She had on pj's, some long sleeve shirt, church socks and dress shoes. They were gone for over an hour. Reagan was so excited to tell me all about it. She loves to go for walks with Daddy! Thank you so much Nater, I needed a nap.

This is what you get when dad picks out clothing. LOL!

They also decided to take some pictures of mommy not feeling so good.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Slumber Party...

The girls and I are just waking up. Reagan decided she wanted to sleep in the living room last night. I wasn't feeling well, so I wasn't going to argue with her. I just made her a bed on the floor and put Cinderella on so I could take some Nyquil. She didn't wake us up at all, she slept down stairs all by herself. She had to have her "Ariel, Founder, Bastian" as she says. (Ariel, Flounder and Sebatian) right next to her head. Kennedy is the happy girl this morning. Thank goodness because mommy doesn't feel good. Off to rest.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day 2008...

We just hung out at home and relaxed. I made Steak with Gorgonzola cheese, roasted potatoes and salad. It was nice and quiet. I am coming down with my girls cold so I thought I better take it easy. Besides to go anywhere in this town for dinner is crazy enough when it's not Valentines Day.

Reg's just got her new "cudder-me". We got her a new color wonder princess book. She was so jazzed. Daddy colored with her while I finished cleaning up our dinner dishes.

We got Kennedy a hippo ratte/teether. She was just ready for bed. She had enough today.

Grammy and Papa brought Reagan over a little "Areil" lego valentine. She loves it. It had to go in the bath with her and she had to have it right next to her to sleep.

Gram and Papa brought Kennedy some little people. She's not real sure about them yet. She just kept cheking them out. It was pretty cute.

Hangin in my highchair...

Kennedy is just hangin out while mom gets everything ready for valentines. We had to get the house cleaned and decorated for daddy's surprise. She just hung out in her highchair playing with her toys (she is such a good girl).

Happy Valentines Day Matty Mo...

We just wanted to tell you Happy Valentines Day. I sure hope you had a fun day at school, with all your "Valentines" because I know you have plenty. The girls and I wanted to say thank you for our cards and Sorry yours is late....It's coming so keep an eye open for it. Reagan was so excited to get mail. We love you tons.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We were all getting ready for bed. Kennedy's door was cracked so I guess she could hear us. I peeked in at her and she was trying so hard to look over her bumper. It was the cutest thing so I grabbed the camera. I started taking pictures then I kissed her good night and said "ni-night." I guess it wasn't what she wanted to hear and she started puckering her lips. She needed to be loved for a little bit longer needless to say. She's getting 4 top teeth all at once. Not fun for our little cuddlebug. She's had a hard time going to sleep lately.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Best Buds...

I came downstairs to Reagan playing with Kennedy. It was the cutest thing, she just loves her little sister. I am so happy that they get along so well. Whenever Kenner's is sad or fussy, Reg's comes along then all of a sudden she is happier than a peach. I can do everything in my power to get Kennedy to giggle and she doesn't (she will smile from ear to ear, but no giggles). Reagan can walk into the room and this girl is crackin up. It is hilarious to watch.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Our sick girl.....

Our little one hasn't been feeling so well. She woke up yesterday with a fever and slept all day long. She woke up today and said "Mommy Reggy's hot. I no feel good." She has just been talking away while laying her little head down. It is amazing when kids are sick how they try so hard to do there daily things. She would lift her little head up and tell me "Mommy head heby"(heavy). She finally fell asleep. She is such a little trooper! Always has to have those "stinky fingies" (as she would say) in her mouth. We hope to see her getting better here soon. Her little sister Kennedy has been sick for a week and a half now. Mom's ready for everyone to get better.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Reg's Pre-School sign up.....

Today we went over and met "Miss Julie" as Regs says. She runs Watch Me Grow Pre-School. I have heard nothing but great things about her and her mother "Gramma Smith". Nate and I are so excited, but yet kind of sad to think she is old enough for "Pre-School". Where did the years go. When Regs and I walked up, Miss Julie was outside. She greeted us then walked us in to show us around. It is really neat. Reagan flocked right over to a big doll house she has and just started playing. Miss Julie asked her "Are you going to come and play with me Reagan?" Regs response was "Uh-Huh!" I think she will just love it. Pre-school won't start until August, but we are excited for the big mile stone. Mom and Dad love you Sis!!!