Thursday, February 28, 2008

WoRDs tO LiVE bY...

LiFe iS tOo sHOrT,
GruDGes ArE a wAsTe oF pERfEcT HApPinESs
LaUGh wHEn yOu cAn
ApoLOgizE wHeN YoU shoULd
aNd LeT gO oF wHAt yOu cAN't CHanGe.
LOve dEEplY aNd fORgivE QUicklY
tAKe CHaNcEs...gIVe eVErYthINg
AnD hAVe NO regREtS!
LiFe iS tOo sHorT tO bE uNHapPy
yOu hAVe tO tAKe tHe goOD WiTH tHe BaD
sMILe WhEN yOu'RE sAd
lOVe WhaT yOU'vE gOt aND alwAYs RemEMbeR whAT yOu HaD
alWAYs fORGivE, BUt nEVeR fOrGET
LeARn frOM YoUr misTAKeS, bUT NeVER RegRET
pEOplE ChaNGe aNd thINGs gO WroNG,
BUt alWAyS RemeMBeR
LiFE goES oN!!!


A Blogging Babcock said...

Your kids are so cute. I can't believe how grown up Reagan is. She is gorgeous. Good luck with the sleeping thing...when you get it figured out, let me know.

Julie H. said...

Hi Alisha, do you remember me from over here in the Foothills? Julie B. gave me your blog address. I hope you don't mind. Very cute, I might add! It's been fun seeing how cute and grown up your kids are. Congrats, on the 3rd one too! Hope all is well and if you want to stop by my blog my address its:
Take care! :D