Can I just tell you how much I hate to move?! I have moved 9 times in 7 years now. I am gettin' pretty good at it let me tell ya. This was a much needed move and it went pretty smooth. The hardest part has been gettin' it all to fit in this tiny place and gettin' it all unpacked. I am just tired of unpacking. We got our keys to this place on July 1, but the movers moved us in on the 6th. I still have stuff in boxes and not a whole lot on the walls. I sent Nater a video of the place and his first call to me after he saw it went like this... "Lish, you need to either rent a storage or sell all that clutter." I just started laughing.
He then tells me that he will hang everything that is sitting on the floors. Like I said... I still haven't hung everything on the walls yet. They are on the floor where I want to hang them just haven't hung them. Nate is the "hanger upper" in our house.
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