Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The New House....

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So we are finally in the new house and we are even all settled! I actually have this moving thing down.....not saying I enjoy it or anything. I told my husband I don't know how many more times I can do this and he just laughs. I am sure we have a few more times a head of! We went to church for the first time on Sunday. I think we will like the ward. Julie and Julie we are actually back in the neighborhood.....or at least really close. Nate and I like the fact that we can walk right around the corner and there is a little park and baseball fields. It's a little to warm to walk in the middle of the day, but I think one night this week we are going to take the girls over. Well, I guess until next time!


Julie H. said...

Oh my gosh, really? Are you in Meadow Valley or the Knolls? Near the roundabout? That's so fun! And nice car by the way...