Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Going Private...

We still don't have internet at home, but I do check up on everyone when I have a minute. Nate and I talked and we decided to go private for a while so leave your email addresses so I can invite ya...
* I will wait for a couple of days to get everyone's addresses!


Sandy said...

How are you guys? I hope everything is going well for you guys!!
Please add us jhulet9559@msn.com.

Jason & Claire said...

Hope everything is going great;)

Lorraine and Kelly said...

Invite us... krcarp1@comcast.net. We are excited to hear what is new with you guys.

Chad and Elizabeth said...

Hi! I married Chad Moore and I know I have seen your Christmas card at his parents! Our email for blogger is chadandelizabeth2009@gmail.com. Have a great day! :)

Sheri said...


Hoagland's said...

We would love to see your blog still. We are friends of Nate's from high school. We are also in the Army, so we would love to see your journey!
We have a blog also, ours is private but if you want to see send us an e-mail!

April said...

it's april_vaca85@hotmail.com, hope all is well with you guys, miss you!

Megan Andersen said...


Cyndee said...

Hi Di! It's Cyndee dxspilker@yahoo.com